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Time-saving step-by-step private piano lessons.
Stop wasting your practice time on random piano lessons found on the internet. With our carefully designed piano courses, weekly progress tracking and personal advice you will always know what to work on each week for maximum results.
Lessons are great for all ages
Beginner to Pro
Custom tailored lesson plans

Learn any style of music on the piano.
Nothing beats playing along to your favorite songs! You’ll love our music focused classes and play-alongs for songs of all styles including rock, blues, country, funk, jazz, classical and more!
Music infused lessons
Many genres of music
Learn chart reading
Weekly personal lesson guidance and support.
Our instructors are here for you every step of the way. Ask your biggest questions each week at your lessons and get personal goal orientated feedback on your playing and current curriculum.
Private weekly lessons
Student plans and reviews
Helpful friendly instructors